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Traditional chinese medicine practitioners


My interest in Chinese medicine began long before I took the first steps to study the ancient art. I was born in China, came to the United States as a young teenager, and worked my way through high school and college. I graduated with an undergraduate degree from San Francisco State University in Electrical Engineering, I worked for eleven years in the medical industry repairing complicated machinery, with tools on my waist belt to prove it.

I soon learned that working in the corporate world was not my dream. The stress left me unsatisfied and I could find no cures in the western traditions of medicine. I was often assured that I was healthy, but I knew I was lacking. It was at this time, I started to look back on my desire to practice acupuncture and find healing through nutrition and herbology. I became an avid yoga student. I began to focus more clearly on the things that made me feel happy and healthy. I began to heal myself by paying attention to what my body was telling me. After giving birth to our first child, I decided it was time to make the big change. 

I left my career and commenced my journey at the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In every way it has been a transition worth making. Pursuing my true passion in life is of great importance and not only benefits myself, but also sets a positive example for my children. I am thrilled to be part of the holistic community and to promote wellness and balance in body and mind. I look forward to working with you in restoring your vital energy. 


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How This Works

Traditional chinese medicine acupuncture
Traditional chinese medicine
Traditional chinese medicine

Step #1


Step #2

Book an appointment

Step #3

Let the healing begins